My paintings are inspired by the effect of light upon the landscape. They are more about a feeling than a record of a place encouraging the viewer to be drawn in and bring something of themselves to the creative process. I travel and paint en plein air capturing the essence of a place.  I love colour and I use my watercolour sketches and preliminary work as a starting point to spark new creative works of art back in the studio using bold, vibrant colours to create exciting paintings.



Daily Demonstrations...
Thursday 16 - Friday 24 May
10am - 5pm

I am opening my studio-gallery for the week and will be holding
Demonstrations from 11am each day

Open Studio coincides with the International Watercolour Masters exhibition at Lilleshall Hall - just 5 minutes away from my studio.

• Demonstrations will last approximately 1 hour
• You are guaranteed a warm welcome - come and browse the many colourful, vibrant artworks and see me working at the easel. 

Pop ‘Studio-Gallery of Carole Baker’ into Google Maps and it will bring you to the door!